Kecamatan Cibarusah - Cibarusah District

Administratively, the District Cibarusah which has an area of ​​3518.36 ha divided into 7 villages, the Village Cibarusahjaya, Cibarusahkota, Sindangmulya, Wibawamulya, Sirnajati, Ridogalih, and Ridomulya. Judging from the topography, including the District Cibarusah higher ground than the surrounding region with an average altitude of 60 masl.
Based on the utilization of space in 2006, District Cibarusah region dominated by agriculture (77%), which consists of the agricultural area of ​​2376.80 hectares of wetland and dryland farming area of ​​503.17 Ha. Only 713.52 ha (19%) of the total district Cibarusah which is characteristic of rural settlements with the remainder used for other land uses.

Based on 2008 data, Cibarusah district has 63,453 inhabitants, with the male population (31 822 inhabitants) and women (31 631 inhabitants) is balanced. Distribution of population in the District Cibarusah uneven, the population is concentrated in the region that has developed its economy. This is shown by the population density in the Village Cibarusahkota (49 people / ha) and Sindangmulya (35 people / ha), where these areas have a main income source of the manufacturing and services sectors. The area is driven by the agricultural sector has a population density Cibarusah District features 338 small industries is mostly a domestic craft.

Form of household crafts which sufficiently developed in the district Cibarusah is a craft such as the manufacture of wooden furniture (cabinets, chairs, tables, etc.), which spread in the village of Cibarusahjaya, Sindangmulya, and Wibawamulya. Judging from the preliminary figures of GDP in 2007 Cibarusah District of Rp 339,306,020,000.00, the service sector plays an important role by contributing 39% of GDP, while the industrial sector contributed 25% of GDP. GDP growth rate of industrial sector is quite stable from year to year, which is about 5%. While the agricultural sector which is the source of livelihood for the majority of District residents Cibarusah small contribution to GDP, only 8%.

Overall electricity demand in the District Cibarusah supplied by the State Electricity Company (PLN), which already reaches almost all households. In 2008, the number reached 16,099 electric customers who are dominated by household customers in the Village Sindangmulya (34%). In terms of water supply, based on data from the Office PDAM Surabaya, the production of clean water in the taps Cibarusah District in 2008 reached 349,642 m3 and distribution of clean water for 343,767 m3 with sales of 265,995 m3.

In terms of telecommunications facilities, up to 2008 new 2589 subscribers in 4 villages that can be served by a telephone cable, the Village Cibarusahjaya (15 subscribers), Cibarusahkota (250 subscribers), Sindangmulya (2315 subscribers), and Wibawamulya (9 subscribers). Began development of mobile phones in the District Cibarusah indicated by the placement of six base stations spread across Cibarusahkota (4 BTS), Ridogalih (1 BTS), and Sindangmulya (1 BTS).

With the growing spread of the more extensive network of base stations of mobile phones and will more and more customers. Meanwhile, the use of the Internet is still very limited, is still served by the internet cafes.

In general, the availability of road infrastructure is still limited to the liaison between the village center with one another. Based on the administrative path, then the long road of 118 km, there are over 15 km of national roads, district roads along the 27 km, and rural roads along the 76 km. Viewed from the road surface conditions in 2008, the majority of roads in the District has done Cibarusah concrete pavement. Conditions of supply of road infrastructure can be considered to be quite good, especially for districts that are characterized by largely rural area.

Meanwhile, in terms of facilities angkutannya majority areas in the District can be reached with OJEG Cibarusah motor. Traffic conditions in the District Cibarusah relatively quiet, only noisy at peak times and in certain areas with high economic activity such as the Village Cibarusahkota and Sindangmulya.

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